An Awesome Date Idea

I love eavesdropping on people.

Especially on people who are on dates.

And the most awesome of all, is people who are on FIRST dates.

The look on their face when they see eachother and realize “that’s him/her”, their conversation, the body language - it’s fascinating.

I’m a little obsessed but we all eavesdrop. It’s awesome - and fun.

So check it out.

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Want her? Just tell her this.

I don’t like “routines”. They’re weird and set expectations for you from the start that you DON’T want to have to maintain.

I do like having specific lines and stories to tell at opportune times.

They keep you moving towards the close, and besides..

Women be diggin’ dudes with a plan.

So next time you’re talking to a girl and feel like you’ve got her hooked but it’s getting away from you, just tell her this:

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Two Second Body Language Awesomeizer

In CHAPTER 1 (slow down on the awesome, buddy! don’t blow your wad so early.) of “How To Get Hotter Women,” Jason talks about the importance of dominant body language.

Not dominance in being an obnoxious, cocky idiot — but simply conveying confidence and knowing (or at least pretending) you’re the shit!

It’s really that simple.

If you’ve already got it, great. This will make you at least 128% more badass.

If not, here’s the secret to faking it:

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