Storytelling Trick To Make Her WANT You
Jason Capital
So it’s Thursday and if you’re active out there and have read HTGHW, you’re going to be talking to some hot girls this weekend.
And in the essence of a true man, if you know that’s whats going to be happening, you should have a PLAN.
Not lines, not routines, but a PLAN.
And a key component of this plan (and attracting the highest-quality women) is your ability to tell good stories.
And while I cover storytelling A LOT in How To Get Hotter Women, the “good story” part is on you (that’s why I push my guys to do things outside of their comfort zones and try new things — it inherently creates good stories to tell).
So here’s what I want you to do right now:
2Grab a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle and on the right side of the line -
Make a list of the 3 most unique things that happened to you this week, bullet point style.
If they’re weird, like “I clogged the toilet twice on Tuesday”, don’t write that down (and lay off the Mexican food for a while chief).
Got em?
No seriously…did you do it? Or do you not care enough about dating hotter, better women?
I’ll wait.
OK, now that you’ve got your 3 unique things, I want you to write 3 questions that’ll transition into you telling each story.
This is simple.
For example, if one of your unique things was, “I saw a woman walking a baby pig on the street, like it was puppy with the leash and everything,” then the transition question to lead into it could be, “Hey, how do you feel about pigs?”
It’s a fun, unexpected question that’ll break her pattern, snap her into attention and leave her intrigued as to WHY you would ask such a thing…and of course, you now have your funny story to tell her about this crazy pig-lady walking her crazy pig-dog
Do this for all 3 of your stories and just like that, you’ve got 3 great topics to talk about with any girl tonight that best of all…ARE TRUE SHIT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR LIFE. Shocking concept, right.
And if you think nothing unique happened to you this week, stop devaluing yourself and your life — EVERYTHING that happened to you this is unique (because it happened with you, and no one else).
Never forget that.
And if you want to make sure the WAY you tell these stories and ask these questions sparks ATTRACTION and interest from her (while it looks like you’re not even trying), pick up How To Get Hotter Women and feed your brain some badass nutrition today.
That’s it, I’m done.