Two Second Body Language Awesomeizer
Trent Stone
In CHAPTER 1 (slow down on the awesome, buddy! don’t blow your wad so early.) of “How To Get Hotter Women,” Jason talks about the importance of dominant body language.
Not dominance in being an obnoxious, cocky idiot — but simply conveying confidence and knowing (or at least pretending) you’re the shit!
It’s really that simple.
If you’ve already got it, great. This will make you at least 128% more badass.
If not, here’s the secret to faking it:
It’s ridiculously simple.
Almost so simple that it’s easy to discount how powerful this technique really is…
So don’t do that.
Do everything slower. And do it with intent.
Walking, getting up from a chair, turning your head when someone wants your attention.
In fact, to give you an actual piece of quantifiable advice you can actually apply:
Jason recommends cutting your speed in half.
So when you stand up, take twice as long.
When you walk from Point A to Point “Hi-You’re-Cute-We-Should-Talk” — take twice as long as you normally would.
Nervous, fidgety, unsure qualities activate her defenses before you even get a chance to open your mouth. You’re already losing.
Strong, confident, “alpha” qualities - even if they’re not 100% congruent in the beginning are PRIMALLY ATTRACTIVE. They can’t NOT be interested.
No matter what you look like.
Or how much money you make.
Or if you haven’t been laid in 5 years.
None of this matters.
Give her the gift of priming her primal tendencies by having fucking awesome body language.
Slow down.
And check out “How To Get Hotter Women.”
Where it says “When you walk from Point A to Point “Hi-You’re-Cute-We-Should-Talk” – do it in half the time you normally would.” should it actually say “do it in twice the time”? (fyi i’m not writing this in all-caps - it’s the web page. really!)
genius. thanks for pointing out the typo… and the bug! fixing now!
thanks man!