When Things Are Going Great And She Stops Texting Back..
Jason Capital
Traffic on the 405.
Your team loses another game ’cause your superstar took the night off.
She’s taking forever to text you back.
What do all these situations have in common?
They can be frustrating.
What a tricky little emotion that motherfucker is…frustration.
And the things it can lead to, oh my…not good.
So today I want to share with you one of the best lessons I’ve ever learned on what to do when you feel frustrated..
Here it is:
Turn your frustrations into fascinations.
Not bad, right?
Whenever you feel frustrated, you never just feel frustrated. You feel like you have no control, you feel uncertain and you want to do something NOW to change it.
That’s why frustration is such a useless emotion — it comes around at the exact times you’re unable to do anything.
It leads nowhere, yet it’s so easy to give in to it..here’s my advice next time you feel it coming on:
Don’t give in. Be stronger than that. And turn that incoming energy of frustration into fascination.
You met her a couple weeks ago. She likes to play little game sometimes, but nothing really so far. You guys have hooked up a couple times since, the energy was there and you feel like things are going great.
You hit her up on Friday at 4 with a text, something fun and playful like, “You’ll never believe who I can’t stop thinking about..”.
(The follow-up is, of course, not her, but your Mexican landscaper who told you the funniest joke yesterday ).
But she doesn’t text back.
Not at 5, or 6, or 7…not at all. And you know she’s OK because she posted on her Facebook (you stalk her, btw) that she was out for drinks with some friends.
Frustrating, right?
It’s not — it’s fascinating. It has to be.
If you find it frustrating, you’ll eventually try her again and again and again. And when you do on those follow-up times, you’ll be in a decreasingly worse state as the frustration mounts, which will make her vagina want to sew itself shut to you. The more it piles on, the more of a turn-off it’ll be for her.
Instead, you find it fascinating.
Fascinating that she thinks games like this will work on you, fascinating that she thinks it will make you want her more or chase her.. fascinating she truly believes you don’t know the games she’s playing.
And when you begin to see it from that angle, you begin to see it, and her, for what it is.
It’s like playing hide-and-go-seek with the a 6-year old. They’re sure they hid the stuffed animal so well, you’ll never find it. They have that cute, little smirk on their face when you go to look too (awwww). Of course, you see where the stuffed animal is right away…because it was hidden by a 6-year old.
6-year olds suck at hiding shit.
The difference is you put up with the 6-year old because they’re 6, but you don’t have to with a grown woman.
If she’s going to play with you, play right back.
Except you’re not playing 6-year old games, you’re playing DateHotter games.
Why don’t you see now if she can keep up?
Awesome man. I’m excited to try this out.
Let me know how it goes, buddy! Hit us back here…